Floyd Fuller of Randolph, VT describes the shared work and social environment of the annual summer corn husking bees of his youth. Audio and text excerpt from a December 1, 1989 interview with Floyd Fuller conducted by Gregory Sharrow (1989-2073). A…
Image of a farmer in a field with a team of horses pausing to pose for photograph while cutting hay, July 1940. Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Black and white wood engragving depicting a corn husking party, also referred to as a husking bee, in New England in the mid 19th century. Published in Harper's weekly, 1858 Nov. 13, p. 728. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Audio and text excerpt from an interview with Vermont farmers Bruce Hennessy and Beth Whiting of Huntington, VT where they discuss the cost of land and the need to expand their operation. Recording duration: 2:47.
Audio and text excerpt from an interview with Vermont dairy farmer Euclid and Priscilla Farnham of Tunbridge, VT describing changes to dairy farming practice that emerged in the mid 20th century. Recording duration 2:16.
Audio and text excerpt from an interview with Vermont dairy farmer Gertrude "Gert" Lepine describing how her father first acquired their farm. Recording duration: 2:19.
Audio and text excerpt from an interview with Vermont farmer Gertrude "Gert" Lepine of Morristown, VT where she talks about the freedom afforded by farming. in 1935. Recording duration 0:54.