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Bahamian junkanoo, traditionally a Christmas season parade, features dancing, lively music, and colorful handmade costumes. Made by members of local ensemble Bahamas Junkanoo Revue, this costume’s design and colors represent the ocean, sky, and…

Video and text from interview with Kenny Booker and John Alexander for the National Visionary Leadership Project discussing the rumor surrounding the events leading up to the destruction of the Greenwood neighborhood during the 1921 Tulsa Race…

Audio and text excerpt of an interview with John Budke and Alysa Hall where they discuss the scale of the destruction to Mount St. Helens and the slow recovery of plant life in the years after the eruption. Duration 0:46.

Audio and text excerpt of an interview with John Budke and Alysa Hall where Alysa Hall describes learning about the eruption while her family lived in Germany, seeing the dramatic changes to Mount St. Helens when they returned to Washington, and…

Photo by John Budke_Ash Seal.jpg
Two images of a seal figurine purchsed by John Budke made out of the ash from the Mt St Helens 1980 eruption.

Video and text from recorded testimony from Joe Burns as a part of the Tulsa Race Riot (Massacre) Commission survivor inquiry. Burns was a child in 1921, but shares his memories of what he heard from adults around him and what he saw from his…

Video and text from interview with Joe Burns, O.G. Clark, Mrs. G.E. Jackson for the National Visionary Leadership Project discussing the events leading up to and early communication during the destruction of the Greenwood neighborhood during the 1921…

Rachelson talks about when he feels “like a Miamian” which is especially when dancing salsa, at the ventanita, and every time he hears Spanish.  

Carlos Gonzalez talks about Garifuna history and identity while mapping his own lineage. He describes his drum, its importance in Garifuna ceremonies, and how he fixed the instrument with the help of his great-grandfather who came to him in a dream.

Interview with Clarita Filgueiras, a performer and choreographer who has spent a lifetime mastering the art of flamenco dance. Her passion for this Spanish tradition originates with her father and grandmother (both flamenco singers) and her mother,…
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